Children create new logo for Friends of Sherard

Lynda Spargo and Friends of Sherard member Kirsty Stewart with Leah Adams, Ellis Fletcher and Rosie Mina with their winning designs 
PHOTO: Tim WilliamsLynda Spargo and Friends of Sherard member Kirsty Stewart with Leah Adams, Ellis Fletcher and Rosie Mina with their winning designs 
PHOTO: Tim Williams
Lynda Spargo and Friends of Sherard member Kirsty Stewart with Leah Adams, Ellis Fletcher and Rosie Mina with their winning designs PHOTO: Tim Williams
Friends of Sherard Primary School have recently held a competition for pupils to get creative and renew their logo.

To raise awareness of what the small group of parents and teachers do to help the school, children were asked to draw a new design, with the overall winning entry set to appear on the back of the new school minibus.

Half the funds for the minibus were funded by Friends of Sherard School. It was purchased so that youngsters will be able to be ferried around for extra curricular activities.

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Prizes were given out to the winners of the logo competition across three key stages. Judging the contest was James Colclough of Melton Toys.

Winner of key stage one , and receiving a £15 voucher for Melton Toys was Rosie Mina, winner of lower key stage two, and receiving a £10 voucher for Boyes was Leah Adams, and the winner of upper key stage two, and winning logo designer overall was Ellis Fletcher. As well as having his design featured on the back of the new school minibus he received two tickets for Melton’s Regal Cinema.

Chair of Friends of Sherard School, Lynda Spargo, said: “The children were very enthusiastic about the competition and came up with some wonderful designs.

“It was felt that Ellis’s logo best encompassed some of the things the Friends of Sherard School do and has a visual connection to the school’s logo.

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“The logo will now be printed onto our minibus and will feature as our new letter head.

“Thank you to everyone who supported us and got involved with the competition.”

Friends of Sherard School has been in existence since 1989. Since August 2011, they have paid for £26,550 worth of items for school children.

These have included items such as iPads, book bags, water bottles, hoodies, year six school proms, donations to classes to spend on things of their choice, science equipment, library equipment, digital cameras and summer and Christmas fairs.

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More recently, the group has paid for five members of staff to undertake a food hygiene course and matched a donation of £808 from Shevon Whitehouse, a parent who ran the London Marathon to raise money to purchase new play and sports equipment for the school.

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