Cheers! Regulars toast reopening of Melton borough’s pubs

Geoff Carlisle, a regular at The Grapes in Melton, pictured with landlady Sharon Brown EMN-200707-170721001Geoff Carlisle, a regular at The Grapes in Melton, pictured with landlady Sharon Brown EMN-200707-170721001
Geoff Carlisle, a regular at The Grapes in Melton, pictured with landlady Sharon Brown EMN-200707-170721001
It was dubbed by many as ‘Super Saturday’ but it proved to be a cautious response by Melton publicans, restaurateurs and cafe owners to being given the green light to reopen at the weekend.

The hospitality sector has not been allowed to serve customers on site since March although some businesses had transformed themselves into takeaway and food delivery establishments as the borough’s residents were locked down with the rest of the country.

But a reduction in deaths and infections from Covid-19 gave the government the confidence to ease restrictions on Saturday although not all pubs and eateries reopened on Saturday.

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Staff at only around half of Melton’s town centre pubs took the towels off their hand pumps, with BeerheadZ, the Genny B, The Cutting Room, The Grapes, the Harboro Hotel, The Kettleby Cross and the Half Moon all open again for business last weekend.

Customers pictured on Saturday at the 54A King Street cafe and outside the BeerHeadZ micropub on the day Melton's hospitality businesses were allowed to reopen following the coronavirus lockdown EMN-200607-100053001Customers pictured on Saturday at the 54A King Street cafe and outside the BeerHeadZ micropub on the day Melton's hospitality businesses were allowed to reopen following the coronavirus lockdown EMN-200607-100053001
Customers pictured on Saturday at the 54A King Street cafe and outside the BeerHeadZ micropub on the day Melton's hospitality businesses were allowed to reopen following the coronavirus lockdown EMN-200607-100053001

The Black Swan, The Boat, the Crown Inn, The White Hart have not yet opened back up.

Regulars at The Grapes were thrilled to be back in their favourite local and the mood was summed by Geoff Carlisle, who told the Melton Times: “You will not believe how much I’ve missed going to the pub.

“It’s the people who come here, the staff, the atmosphere, I love it here.”

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Melton Mowbray Town Estate allowed The Grapes to put tables on the Market Place to increase the area it could safely serve customers in.

Tables set up on the Market Place for customers of The Grapes pub, by permission of Melton Town Estate EMN-200707-115926001Tables set up on the Market Place for customers of The Grapes pub, by permission of Melton Town Estate EMN-200707-115926001
Tables set up on the Market Place for customers of The Grapes pub, by permission of Melton Town Estate EMN-200707-115926001

Landlady Sharon Brown said Saturday was a challenge with the need to keep customers and staff socially distant in line with government guidance.

She said: “We had to turn people away on Saturday because of the size of the pub

“It was hard work trying to keep everyone to the regulations.

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“It was difficult for the customers too because they’ve never had to do all this before.

“They were very good, though, and stuck to the safety rules because they want the pub to stay open.

“If someone is walking to the toilets and they see Joe Bloggs who they’ve not seen for a few months it is natural for them to want to greet them properly but everyone was sensible this weekend.”

Sharon took the decision to serve only people she knew and there was some concern that people from Leicester, which has remained in lockdown due to a spate of coronavirus infections, would travel to Melton in search of a night out.

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She said: “We had people ringing up from Leicester trying to book tables but we told them we were not allowed to have them in here.”

Sharon said she understood why some pubs were reluctant to open, adding: “It’s the fear that people won’t turn up and yet you still have to bring people back off furlough and pay them.

“We are running a skeleton staff at the moment and we will continue to do it for a while.”

Pubs across the borough operated a number of protocols which made the drinking experience very different from what it was in March.

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The Genny B, on King Street, are telling all customers that they have to supply names and contact details before going in to assist the ‘track and trace’ system if anyone subsequently tests positive.

One way systems are in use and there is a limit on the number of people at each table, with customers told to remain seated at all times.

The Horseshoes, at Asfordby, is another pub serving only regular patrons and staff there are also taking names and contact details before people enter.

Over at the Tap & Run, at Upper Broughton, which is part-owned by cricketers Stuart Broad and Harry Gurney, all staff have their temperature taken on arrival to check they have no symptoms of the virus and a range of safety measures are being taken such as using disposable menus which are destroyed after one use.

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The Harboro Hotel, on Burton Street, said on its Facebook page that Saturday was not as busy as staff expected but they were still the busiest establishment in the town.

The weekend proved a big success for The Chequers, at Woolsthorpe by Belvoir, which posted on its website: “We can’t thank you enough for all your support on our opening’ weekend. We’ve received fabulous feedback on our safety measures and enjoyed seeing lots of friendly familiar faces as well as many new ones too.”

One town centre pub which has not reopened yet is The Boat, on Burton Street.

It explained why through a Facebook post: “It is with a heavy heart that we post this update, in the interest of our staff, customers and residents of Melton Mowbray we will not be reopening The Boat just yet.

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“We feel as if it is best to remain closed for now especially due to the recent localised lockdown happening in Leicester.

“To see the pub trade and small businesses suffer through this time is agonising and we hope to be back up and running soon.

“We will be reviewing the situation in two weeks’ time and will be posting an update then.”

Most cafés were open at the weekend, although some still continued to offer a takeaway or an outdoor service to customers.

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Nigel Keep’s café, 54A King Street, hosted a buffet with live music for regulars outside its premises in the evening.

There was a substantial police presence and council officials were also offering advice on safe social distancing but the town was much less busier than it would be for a normal summer Saturday evening.

Matthew O’Callaghan, of the Melton Mowbray Food Partnership, told the Melton Times: “It was no surprise that some pubs didn’t open, preferring to err on the side of caution.

“The town had more of a buzz and atmosphere during the day on Saturday and, in the evening, Nigel’s buffet was a welcome and generous start to the ending of lockdown.”

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Police have thanked Melton people for enjoying the reopening of pubs and restaurants in a safe and good natured manner.

Pc John Barlow posted a video from the town centre on social media on Saturday night in which he said: “There has been fun and there is music playing.

“Everyone is in good spirits.

“It’s absolutely fantastic - it’s a good spirit and you’ve done us proud.”

His words were echoed by Leicestershire Police Chief Constable, Simon Cole, who had a larger number of officers out on Saturday than there would be for a New Year’s Eve, patrolling the lockdown area in Leicester and the remainder of the county, where restrictions have eased for the nightime economy.

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Outside of the protected area where lockdown rules have been eased, officers were on duty working under Operation Integrate, with police saying the vast majority of residents were seen to be complying with the government guidelines, acting responsibly and socialising safely.

Mr Cole said: “This time has been a huge challenge for all of us.

“We are effectively policing a force area where different government guidelines apply to different areas.

“But the way that my officers and staff have responded to this has simply been outstanding.”

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A spokesperson for Melton Borough Council said: “The council recognises the huge amount of preparation undertaken by establishments across the borough in ensuring their premises and working practises were managed in line with government guidance.

“Council officers were on site across the borough over the opening weekend and were very pleased to observe residents complying with the social distancing guidelines.

“Where issues were spotted, these were addressed with no further need for intervention.

“The Community Safety Partnership and the council will continue to work with colleagues across the county this week, and will assess the need for further presence in the town centre this weekend.”

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The spokesperson added: “We ask that anyone out and about in Melton continues to adhere to government guidance on social distancing, practices good hand hygiene, wear masks where required and stays alert to stay safe.”

Go online at for government advice on social distancing protocols.