Body-worn cameras to help police fight crime in Melton

Melton police officers have started being trained in their new personal issued body cameras which will assist them in capturing evidence. EMN-160402-130858001Melton police officers have started being trained in their new personal issued body cameras which will assist them in capturing evidence. EMN-160402-130858001
Melton police officers have started being trained in their new personal issued body cameras which will assist them in capturing evidence. EMN-160402-130858001
Police officers are being equipped with new body-worn cameras to aid to fight against crime in Melton.

Melton officers have begun their training in the use of the cameras which will enable them to capture high quality footage and evidence of incidents.

They will also help officers to identify offenders in large groups as well as deterring would-be troublemakers.

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Chief superintendent Steph Pandit said: “As part of an initiative involving all five forces in the region, Leicestershire Police is rolling out body worn cameras to every frontline officer and police community support officer (PCSO).

“By the end of this month around 1,200 cameras will have been issued to our officers who have received training in their use in accordance with national guidance.

“Body worn cameras are visible cameras attached to the chest to capture video and audio evidence when attending incidents of crime.

“The use of the cameras has many benefits and evidence gathered at scenes has led to successful prosecutions.

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“The cameras provide better standards of evidence and an accurate record of street encounters (such as when using stop and search powers), as well as encouraging increased professionalism within the frontline.

“The footage can also be useful when collaborating statements and help resolve cases more quickly and efficiently.”