New powers will crack down on irresponsible Melton dog owners

Melton dog fouling area EMN-200128-124704001Melton dog fouling area EMN-200128-124704001
Melton dog fouling area EMN-200128-124704001 | Johnston Press
Dog owners across the Melton borough who allow their pet to foul footpaths, cause a nuisance while not being on a lead or enter an enclosed children’s play area can now be be issued with £100 penalty notices or fined up to £1,000 in court under new powers given to the council.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) have been introduced this month following a public consultation in a bid to encourage responsible dog ownership and allow the authority to be more effective in preventing issues such as fouling.

Councillor John Illingworth, the council’s portfolio holder for environment and regulatory services, said: “The overwhelming positive response and support the Council received for the PSPOs during the consultation shows that the majority of Melton residents believe that dog owners should be responsible when out with their pets.

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“We hope this measure will address complaints of dog fouling in the Borough and shows we are committed to try and tackle the problem.”

The new PSPOs, which replace the Dog Control Order and which were agreed initially at a cabinet meeting in October, allow the council to:

** Continue to tackle Dog Fouling

** Request dogs be put on leads if causing a nuisance in public

** Ensure that dog walkers have means to pick up after their dog has fouled

** Exclude dogs from enclosed children’s play areas

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The PSPOs do not apply to people who are registered blind or deaf, those who have a physical or mental impairment which impacts on their normal day-to-day activities and rely on an assistance dog and members of Assistance Dogs UK, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People or any other charity registered in the UK who rely on or are training assistance dogs.

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