Average Melton Council Tax bills to increase by £100 a year

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Latest Melton Council news
Residents across the Melton borough living in an average band D property are set to be asked to stump up an extra £100 a year in Council Tax from April.

Councillors will be asked at their full council meeting next week to approve proposals for the financial year 2023-24.

If they approve the recommendations, band D property dwellers will be asked to pay £2,140.31 in Council Tax for the year, compared to the £2,040.05 they were charged for the last 12 months.

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Bills are made up of contributions to five different local authorities – Leicestershire County Council, Melton Borough Council, the parish councils, Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and Leicestershire Combined Fire Authority.

By far the biggest share goes to County Hall, which is requesting a 4.99 per cent increase, representing £1,525.46 for an average band D property. County councillors will be asked to approve this rise on Wednesday.

The police share has already been approved with an increase of 5.81 per cent to £273.23.

The fire brigade’s share is going up by 6.73 per cent to £79.29, following a meeting earlier this month, and the parish councils’ contribution is set to increase by 3.88 per cent to £72.36.

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Melton Borough Council will finalise its share at their full council meeting on Thursday February 23.

If approved, this would see the borough council’s share subject to the smallest percentage rise of all the local authorities listed above, with a 2.99 per cent hike, representing £224.14 in bills for average band D properties.