Beagle and Twitty take the doubles honours at tennis club

Tournament winners Jake Beagle and Mark Twitty.Tournament winners Jake Beagle and Mark Twitty.
Tournament winners Jake Beagle and Mark Twitty.
Jake Beagle and partner Mark Twitty took the honours on the recent Men’s Night Tournament at melton Mowbray Tenni Club.

Nine couples turned out on the chilly evening and were initially split into three three groups.

Jake and Mark topped their Group A section while Tony Golland and Liam Morrison took Group B.

Steve Thompson and Neil Ingle won Group C.

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Jake and Mark then claimed the trophy with a 3-2 win over Tony and Liam, followed by a 4-2 win over Steve and Neil.

Steve and Neil just got the better of Tony and Liam with a 3-1 score line to take the runners-up spot.

Steve Byrne and James Roberts finished in fourth place with Ryan Parmar, the event organiser, and Adrian Thornley and Adam Thornley and Wayne Mogg finishing in fifth and sixth respectively.

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