Clifton clinches Asfordby summer series title

Summer series winner Paul Clifton EMN-170808-190539002Summer series winner Paul Clifton EMN-170808-190539002
Summer series winner Paul Clifton EMN-170808-190539002
Paul Clifton clinched the Asfordby and Melton Society of Anglers' Summer Evening Series with a runners-up spot in the final match last Thursday.

Mike Smith won the match from peg 20, fishing pellet shallow on the pole for a mainly carp weight of 25lb 3oz, but Clifton was close behind to seal the overall league win from Steve Fletcher.

Clifton used both feeder and pole on peg three for 22lb 15oz ahead of Fletcher (14lb 5oz from peg one), with Karl Nickelson rounding off the top four with 10lb from peg five.

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* Clifton celebrated his Thursday evening series victory with another win on Sunday.

Again using both pole and feeder on peg three he caught a mixed bag of 21lb 4oz to pip Mick West on peg 16 who used bread on the pole to take 18lb 14oz.

Junior angler Chris Randall made a flying start on 21, but the pace slowed in the second half of the match to finish with 13lb 14oz. Derek Jones took fourth with 11lb on the pole from peg nine.

The club’s next match is on Sunday, September 3.

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